Shares start next week, June 11!
Hi everyone, we’re thrilled to welcome you to the farm next week for the start of the CSA!
A reminder of how it works – You can pick up any of our three pickup days:
Tuesdays 2:30-6:30pm
Thursdays 10:30-6:30pm
Saturdays 10am-2pm
**Returning members, note that our Saturday hours have changed!
If you’re a 10-week member, please look for a followup email this weekend about which week is yours – we’ll be in touch shortly.
You’ll also see a few changes in the CSA barn – we replaced the windows this winter, updated our cooler, and have new glass barn doors that let the light in (while excluding birds and their poop!). Lots of changes we’re so excited to share with you.
As always, the farm stand will be open as well for honey, maple syrup, our pickles and puree, Powisset t-shirts, and much more.
Look forward to seeing you!
Andrew, Diane, and the farm crew
Programs & Events at Powisset The engagement team at Powisset Farm is so excited about the start of the 2019 harvest season! This time of year always feels busy and energizing. Did you see the recent article in the Boston Globe featuring our team leader and director, DA Hayden and Powisset Farm’s unique work space? We all feel pretty lucky to be part of such a special property doing the work that we love while building a community of great members, like you. Friday Farm Dinners Begin June 28th! We kick off summer with our first Friday Farm Dinner of the season. These summer dinners have become a popular event at the farm. Gather friends and family to enjoy a delicious dinner created with Powisset Farm fresh ingredients and sip on a refreshing beverage while listening to live music. In the background are glorious views of the farm. Pre registration is required. Friday Farm Dinner Dates: June 28, July 12, July 26, August 9, August 23, September 6 and September 20. Don’t miss out on our other fabulous events including yoga, Father’s Day BBQ and cooking classes for both adults and children: Yoga on the Farm begins June 13th – every Thurs., 6:45-7:45pm Father’s Day BBQ Sun., June 16th 12pm-2pm Sublime Strawberries (Adult Cooking Class) Wed., June 19th, 11-1:30pm Summer Solstice Sip ‘n’ Stroll Fri., June 21st, 6-8pm Strawberry Shortcake (Children’s Cooking Class) Sat., June 22nd, 2:30-4:30pm |

It’s not too late to sign up for your 2019 veggies, or tell a friend or neighbor if you’re already joined!
You can renew your Trustees membership here or jump right to the CSA renewal here if your Trustees membership is current.